Monday, February 25, 2008

Podcast 1 - Lohanolicious!

Well, after a full first week of bloging, I came through on my end of the bargain. While I’m still sorting out some technical issues, learning new bits of software, and trying to figure out a time to blog when I’m not hungover, at least I pulled through and got ‘er done.

Here, you can find the link to the Evil Shananigans podcast numero uno. This week’s installment features bits from The Tender Trio, Hot Springs, Hollerado and my boy, Jordan Cook. I’m still trying to figure out the live streaming/iTunes stuff, so for now, you’re simply stuck with a 20 minute long mp3.

Also, for those of you who are stalking me, I'll make your lives a bit easier. I've also started up a main page at, which will feature information and links on a few of the different projects I'm currently keeping myself busy with, as well as some past work. Feel free to browse around and have a few cheap laughs at my expense.

Hope you enjoy!