Well, in my foolishness, I decided that today would be a good day to host a BBQ. Don't get me wrong; it's a great day. It's around 30 degrees and contrary to that lying bastard of a weatherman, it's not raining and actually quite sunny. Still... the day is not without regret.
My regret is that tonight, I will be missing Flash Lightin's CD release party at the Horseshoe. In addition to featuring one of my favorite local bands, Huron, the night will likely be filled with a bluesy swill of loud guitars, southern stompin beats and enough sexy rock and roll to take your pants clean off. This TO power trio eats other rock bands for breakfast and I for one, would be a little intimidated by them on stage. I'd say a little more, but I think their website sums it up nicely:
"This music isn't looking to your new haircut for its cues; it just wants your hips and hearts to do what comes naturally – preferably with a shot of good bourbon to ease things along."
If you're anywhere in the vicinity of the shoe tonight, I don't even need to tell you to go, because odds are, that thumpin beat will drag you right on in.
-Pick yourself up off the floor, that light can't hurt you anymore