Yet, my award for concert of the year came from a Dark Horse. One fine evening, I ventured on down to the Horseshoe tavern to watch one of my favorite TO bands: The Speaking Tongues. Don't get me wrong, these guys are amazing and put on a standing-O worthy set. However, the were the opening act for a show which was the most unique, entertaining, and awe-inspiring thing I've ever seen one man do on stage. Bob Log III is an absolute mystery to most. Dawning a velvet jump suit and a spaceship helmet with a phone receiver attached to it, Mr. Log takes to the stage to entertain the crowd by doing the following:
- Playing some wicked stompin blues licks on his electro-acoustic guitar
- Keeping a kick drum shaking your soul with his right foot
- Providing a wonderful musical garnish on the high hats with his left foot
- Screaming out the most ridiculous lyrics into the phone receiver firmly attached to his helmet in songs such as his famous "Boob Scotch"
I wish I could make this shit up.
Let's just say I've seen a lot of live music in my life. While Bob Log may not have been the best concert I've ever seen, he is by far the most impressive individual I have ever seen on stage. I would continue to describe what I saw, but this is a hell of a lot easier:
-You don't have to love me anymore, but you've got to love this lullaby