Happy long weekend everyone.
I'm trying my best to rebuild a complete human being after a few days in the trenches. Part of this process involves the right kind of music. Enter Jake & Jess. Whilst visiting Manitoba and trying not to die, we spent a lot of time chilling on the patio with good tunes. One of the new pickups I got was a two piece from California named Pomplamoose.
Beyond some ridiculously catchy music, this duo ridiculously talented multi-instrumentalists have pioneered a new way to harness the power of the internet (ha!) through a medium called Videosongs. Simply put, they are mashups of the two recording where WYSIWYG.
My recommendation: watch the video below, become immensely captivated, navigate to their youtube channel, and spend the next hour watching this genius pair at work.
-I've got to pour my heart out this time