And may I extend a heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips for being our first ever recipient. I'll preface this rant by saying that I've never been a Lips fan, so there isn't even going to be a redeeming 'but' at the end of this. Mr. Coyne, you started off with so much promise by enlisting an impressive list (Bon Iver, Tame Impala, Ke$ha, Chris Martin) for a collaboration album, however, things went downhill pretty drastically for me when you:
- Sold limited editions of your album with artist's blood in it for $2500 a piece
- Pissed off the Badu sisters by massively misrepresenting them in a video that you deemed 'art' (but we all know was just softcore porn)
- Made a shitty radio drama that you had no business making. Seriously, the internet was pissed.
- Fucked over thousands of people in Oklahoma City Airport by "accidentally" bringing a toy hand grenade into your carry on and shutting down the airport for hours
Yeah... so congrats. Even though I'm not a huge fan of your at, enough people seem to be for me to offer this simple suggestion: stick to making music. It seems to do well for you. Your diversions, however, fail miserably.
-Album of the year tomorrow! Predictions / suggestions welcome, however, as you know, I won't be listening.