Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Playin on the black keys alone

The Black Keys have long been one of my favorite bands. As such, when they announced the coming of a hip hop side project, I think somebody peed in my pants. Sure enough, months later, only days before the release of Blakroc, the hype surrounding this project was all completely justified.

Working with the likes of Mos Def, Rza, Q Tip, Raekwon, and Pharoahe Monch (as well as a few others) this project takes hip hop back to its organic roots of soul and blues. Keeping as far away from the record labels as possible, Auerback & Carney produced the entire album in a Brooklyn studio with as little non-artist collaboration as possible. Watching the Webisodes of the recording, you can tell how laid back the sessions were. No real formula was created to say, "you're taking this verse, you get the breakdown, you've got the hook." Everyone just kinda felt the songs and spit out what they wanted to say.

The album drops black friday (the 27th) and I highly recommend you pick it up and give it a first listen to in your brand new Blakroc Camero (I wish I could make this shit up). If you're an impatient little bastard like me, today (the 25th) the album is streaming on the Blakroc website at 11am and again at 11pm.

You want my opinion? This shit is revolutionary and genre defining. In an industry of so much repetition and formulaic song production, my hat goes off to anyone who's ready to try something completely original and stir the pot a bit, particularly when I already revere them as demi-Gods.

-If I die she could make my heart beat