I was at the Horseshoe last night to see Hollerado. I don't care who you are, but it is impossible to dislike this band. However, I digress from my usual fanboyism to touch on another point. Headlining the show was Malajube, however for what it's worth, I could have paid my $15 (steep, but the Manotick boys made it worthwhile) to watch Hollerado and then leave. I genuinely tried to give Malajube a chance, and truth be told, did find myself getting into a few songs, however generally, the whole experience felt very forced.
Music should never be forced.
I started to wonder... is it me? Am I just incapable of 'getting' indie music these days? Do I simply lack the sophistication? Am I some rock homo-habilis who simply hasn't developed my indie-frontal-lobe?
Of course not... I am infallible.
So I set out this morning on a mission of finding music outside of my comfort zone. My intention was simple: find a band which under typical pretenses I should not enjoy, and yet through miracle of modern technology (read: nuclear penguin) find myself pleased.
Enter The Notwist; a german, ambient electro-indie band. These guys have actually been around for 20 years and are insanely popular in Germany, however I'm not German and 20 years ago I was probably still listening to Fred Penner (whom Jesse shouldn't be allowed to listen to ever again).
Maybe it was something about the mechanical, clock-like beat, the flowing, smooth vocals, or the cool-ass video, but I found myself really digging their track Chemicals. I had a good dig through their 20 year library as well and discovered that a lot of their music is pretty damned catchy.
Oh... and while we're on the subject, fuck Arcade Fire.
-Wash me dirty, hang me to dry, let me be your pretty little lie