Anyone who claims to know my musical taste should also know that when I find some good 'ol boys from the back country playing rock and roll (read: Black Crowes, American Minor, Blind Melon, Big Hate) I get excited.
Not only did I find said above stiumulus, but these guys are fucking hiarious. After flying under the radar with their first self-titled release, Rose Hill Drive, generated quite a following within the performing community. Spending a couple of years performing alongside the likes of Aerosmith, QOTSA, The Black Crowes, and The Who must have rubbed off, because their just-released LP, Moon is the New Earth, is primed to take on the fucking world.
I did some pseudo-obsessive stalking last night and found this power trio to be pure gold. Their live shows are full of energy, and, as I am always a fan of, having the bassist as your lead singer also allows your guitarist to go off the fucking rails.
If you have a chance, poke around for some live videos of these guys, but in the meantime, sit back, watch the video below, and be prepared to both rock, and laugh, your ass off.
-Come on back, electric love