So, just because you've got two phenomenally successful projects going... why the fuck not start a third, right? This is what must have gone through Jack White's head when contemplating adding another to the collection.
Thus, welcome to the stage The Dead Weather. Formed with members of The Stills and Queens of the Stone Age, White gives, what is in my opinion a final 'fuck you' to Meg White, by playing the drums and sharing vocal duties. It was one thing to run off and start another band, but when you make a whole new project and take over the other member's instrument... that's just mean.
They've pulled together an album which White has produced and is aiming for a June release. I'll be surprised if Jack can top his work with Benson, but if he keeps making 'em, lord knows I'll keep buying 'em.
I'm off to France for a few days with work, but I'll see you when I'm back on Thursday.
-Roll me over and pick me up