I'm all ready to lay me down to sleep, however I must first hold strong to my musical pontificating duties. It's going to be a quick one, since I'm full of cheer and need to get to sleep before Santa creeps down the chimney and beats me around the room with a giant candy cane. That guy's got a mean temper when you disappoint him.
Those poor, poor reindeer.
A lot of cool shit happened in music this year. Many people might believe after my raving that Blakroc would be a shoe-in for this award, however 2009 had even more to offer.
Kid Koala pulled together what I feel was the most risky, ambitious and original musical concept from the past year. The premise was so simple, it's amazing no one had ever pulled it off before... at least not successfully. Still, The Slew was not only a cool idea, but a fantastic implementation.
Kid Koala spun his vinyl as always, but someone swapped his collection with 70's stoner and psych rock. Linking up with DJ Dynomite D, the project grew and became an incredible beast on its own. The idea was raised to present the entire project live, and the help of Chris Ross and Myles Heskett (old rhythm section from Wolfmother), genius was born.
-Cherry crust-lust and slap my boo here