Get used to this. I utterly abhor being in this crippled state and have been marking the calendar, sharpening the knives, counting the days, and any other obsessive-compulsive saying which could be thrown into here.
Before I get to the tunes, a quick aside. I weaned myself off painkillers after only being at home for 2 days. They gave me mild and strong analgesics; tramadol and paracetamol (acetaminophen). I had surgery on Friday, came home Saturday, stopped the tramadol Sunday, and took my last dose of paracetamol on Monday. This was a grand total of 2 of the potential 28 days (plus an option for refills) I should have been on these drugs.
My side rant today is no fucking wonder our society has a drug problem. Since Monday, I've had only mild pain and even then, primarily when I hit the fucking wound or do something stupid. Granted, I'm a big tough and gruff Manitoban, but you have to be shitting me if you think anyone is going to still be suffering after more than a week. Personally, I think doctors should tell their patients to suck it the fuck up and get on with their lives.
Speaking of addictive drugs, my music is brought to you today by Tweaker and the letter Q. Tweaker is the musical project of Chris Vrenna. Don't know who Vrenna is? I beg to differ. Vrenna's resume spans more projects than most people could dream. He's played drums / programmed for Stabbing Westward, G&R, Smashing Pumkpins, NIN and KMFDM. However, his true genius comes through as a producer for Bowie, U2, Weezer, The Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson, Green Day.. the list goes on and on. In addition, you may have played one of the many video games which Vrenna has done the music for; Doom 3, Alice, Quake 4.
What I guess I'm trying to tell you is that this guy doesn't sleep. He started Tweaker in the late 90's as a creative outlet, initially doing remixes for a lot of bands he knew. Eventually, he started piecing together his own tracks and released the album, The Attraction to All Things Uncertain. This album was primarily industrial and instrumental.
After inviting Clint Walsh to permanently join the project, he released, what I feel is pure genius, 2a.m. Wakup Call. This time, Vrenna took his industrial concoctions and merged them with some of his favourite artists to create an album of all star performances. Instead of creating an album full of industrial angst and noise however, Vrenna found joy in dark and mysterious tracks which were enough to chill the bones. Think of them as lullabies for a child named Damien.
-Trophy wife in training